Traditional Advertising Distribution

Hand-Delivered Advertising Pieces

This hands-on approach not only places your brand directly in the hands of potential customers but also ensures that your message is delivered in a personal, memorable way. Our method has proven to rival the reach of direct mail marketing but at a significantly lower cost.

Ride Share Drivers and QR Code Engagement

Our ride share drivers play a pivotal role in promoting local businesses. While carrying passengers, they prominently display our QR codes, which invite passengers to engage with local businesses by scanning to unlock exclusive deals and discounts on one of our digital properties, This innovative approach does more than just advertise; it creates an interactive experience, encouraging passengers to explore and support the local businesses that make their community unique.
In summary, Ride Munch Media Inc.’s unique distribution method sets us head and shoulders above other marketing and advertising companies. We don’t just reach your audience; we engage them in a meaningful way, creating lasting impressions and fostering growth for local small businesses.